Unknown Studio


Sophie Pawlak

Sophie Pawlak Landscape Designer

Sophie Pawlak’s draw to Landscape Architecture is rooted in a deep belief that nature and thoughtfully shaped space influence both our personal internal and shared external worlds. In fructifying this view, she lends an attentive eye to ecological, cultural, and historical site sensitivity. She approaches the practice as one of blending nature’s multiple experiential facets and frames of perception, from moments of quiet contemplation to vibrant bursts of grandeur.

Sophie holds a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture with Honors and Research Distinction from The Ohio State University’s Knowlton School of Architecture and a minor in Studio Art from Ohio State’s College of Arts and Sciences. Prior to her time at Unknown, Sophie has worked in a fabrication lab, plant nursery, and has experience in exhibition planning and installation. In her personal art practice, she explores mediums of clay, ink, charcoal, and paper collage.

Since joining Unknown Studio in June of 2020, she has had a hand in a variety of projects and brings skill sets including computer graphic and physical model representation as well as precise and comprehensive design documentation. She contributes research and representation to the 1400-acre Land and Garden Preserve Framework Plan on Mount Desert Island and the Longwood Gardens Visionary Master Plan II in Kennett Square. She co-leads design direction at the Nasher Haemisegger Family Sculpture Garden at Duke University in Durham, and she melds practical site planning with prospective vision for feasibility studies at Silo City in Buffalo, New York.

Nick Glase