Unknown Studio

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Duke University Sculpture Park Opens to the Public

Unknown Studio is delighted to share that the first phase of The Duke University Sculpture Park opened to the public on Saturday. This elegant new landscape connects the Nasher Museum of Art to Campus Drive and The Rubenstein Arts Center through a contemporary material palette realized for the Arts District at Duke. As Principal at West 8, Unknown Studio’s Claire Agre won the Sculpture Park commission, and together with the West 8 design team, led vision, feasibility and detailed design of the Sculpture Park over a four-year period (2015-2019).

The opening of the Sculpture Park was inaugurated with over 1000 visitors attending Composition 21, a performance piece by Brooklyn-based, Israeli-born artist Naama Tsabar, featuring 21 local musicians who performed a dense but harmonious musical field. Coinciding with the opening, the Nasher Museum has installed Vessel  an ambient sculptural work by Radcliffe Bailey as the first permanent sculpture in the new space.

Our congratulations go to the West 8 Design Team, The Team at Duke University and the Nasher Museum of Art.

For more information about the opening of the Sculpture Park see




Naama Tsabar, Composition 21 from the Composition series (2006–ongoing). Performed first in New Orleans in 2017 as part of Prospect.4: The Lotus in Spite of the Swamp. Photo by Eric Waters.

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